
    Tutti i contenuti multimediali del sito web sono protetti da copyright in ottemperanza alla Legge sul Copyright(Legge 22 Aprile 1941 n.633"

    “Top Retailers S.r.l. - Copyright 2016 – all rights reserved”:

    The entire Website, its structure and all materials contained are protected by copyright and by other rights of intellectual property in compliance with Law nr. 633/1941. It is forbidden to use, totally or partially, all contents of the Website,included modification, print, storage, reproduction, rielaboration, diffusion or distribution of its contents by means of any technological platform, device or ICT network, unless previously agreed in written form with the rights' owner.

    The Website might contain material covered by intellectual property copyright of third parts. In such cases the allowed uses shall be verified by the rights' owners or license owners who will be indicated on the Website.

    All trademarks and “logos” which appear on our Website, as well as product names published online, are trademarks belonging to third parts and cannot used to be used to generate confusion about the origin of products as well as for promotional purposes unless previously agreed with the trademark's owner. The unauthorized use of such trademarks, products and/or other property rights is strictly prohibited and represents a violation of legislation concerning trademarks and other industrial rights.

    "Pursuant to art. 1, par. 1, of Legislative Decree 22nd March 2004 nr. 72, as amended by Law 21 may 2004 nr. 128, all works posted on are in compliance with the laws and regulations concerning copyright and related rights. Reproduction, communication and making available to the public, rental and lending, public performance, distribution and dissemination of works, without the authorisation of the right-holders, are prohibited. The penalties set forth by Art. 171, 171-bis, 171-ter, 174-bis and 174-ter of Italian Copyright Law (Law nr. 633/1941) shall apply to any violation of the obligations set out therein."

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